Like so many others, when the global pandemic hit the city of Chicago, Sacred Heart alums Grace Garber (Sheridan Road 2018) and Agnes O'Toole (Sheridan Road 2018) felt frustrated and helpless. What could high school sophomores do to help in a global pandemic?
Turns out, some amazing things.
Together with five other friends from Saint Ignatius College Prep, Agnes and Grace decided to design and sell t-shirts, with all profits going to support frontline and essential workers. Working collaboratively with staff at Saint Ignatius and a local shirt vendor, the group designed three different t-shirts, with two focusing on Saint Ignatius and the third depicting frontline workers serving the community. With the support of the school and parents, seven sophomores were able to put together a business plan, design their t-shirts, and start printing them—all within two months. Project Frontline Chicago had been born!
The group’s goal is to raise $10,000 by May 31. Additionally, the group spent this past weekend providing meals to firefighters and police officers. “This feels like a Sacred Heart project,” states Agnes, reflecting on what they have accomplished. “We were compelled to action.”
Both alumnae feel like the project brought the community together and helps to show how society can come together for the greater good. And future projects? The girls would love to design shirts that appeal to people outside of Chicago and nationally.
To purchase a Project Front Line Chicago t-shirt or simply make a donation, please visit their website: