Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne (August 29, 1769 - August 29, 2019)
In honor of her birthday and all we owe her, Clare Pratt, RSCJ (Stone Ridge 1957; Manhattanville College 1961; Newton College 1967), sends this photo of Philippine’s statue in the Crypt of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on the Catholic University campus in Washington, DC. Philippine is one of several women saints who were either born in the U.S or came from elsewhere and made an impact. Philippine's companions are Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Katharine Drexel, Kateri Takakwitha, and Frances Xavier Cabrini. The child on the right has a band around her forehead with feathers (not very visible in the photo). The child on the left is a settler child.
Our wonderful Sacred Heart alums were instrumental in securing the statue!
In fact, the statue would not have been commissioned if not for Ann Wilson Brown (Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School 1952). She noticed Philippine was not honored in the Hall of American Saints at the Basilica and began a fundraising appeal to get her included. Ann helped design the statue, which was crafted in Italy. Alumna Mary Kyne Maze (R.I.P.), who lived in the DC area and was on the AASH Board, was present to see the crate opened when the statue was delivered to the crypt. She said she was as excited as she would have been seeing Philippine arrive on the Rebecca! At the AASH National Conference in DC in 1999, we had a dedication ceremony, which included the school/association banners, which had been designed for the canonization festivities in 1988.
Just another example of what determined Sacred Heart alums can do!